Letter: Tackling Climate Change Is a Case of All Hands on Deck
John Burn-Murdoch’s Data Points column makes the point that economic forces are decoupling growth from emissions, but he underestimates the role played by states and major power co-operation in making this happen (“Economics may take us to net zero all on its own”, Data Points, September 23). The revolution in clean electricity did not take place with the market “acting on its own”. Major state intervention was a critical factor in California’s early boost for wind using the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978, coupled with supply of Danish-made turbines and Germany’s early demand for solar, which, in due course, turbocharged Chinese manufacturing at scale. This created a virtuous cycle of lower costs.
The revolution in clean electricity did not take place with the market “acting on its own”. Major state intervention was a critical factor in California’s early boost for wind using the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978, coupled with supply of Danish-made turbines and Germany’s early demand for solar, which, in due course, turbocharged Chinese manufacturing at scale. This created a virtuous cycle of lower costs.
Read the full piece in Financial Times.