13 Orgs. Urge Biden to Maximize Support for Ukraine’s Peace Efforts

Coalition of justice, faith, and foreign policy groups echo Zelensky’s call on President Biden to be “a leader of peace”

WASHINGTON, DC —Recognizing the steep costs to Ukrainian, U.S., and global security posed by a protracted war with Russia, a coalition of justice, peace, and foreign policy organizations are calling on President Biden to take concrete steps to support Ukraine’s efforts to seek a diplomatic end to Russia’s war. 

In a letter released this morning, the 13 groups praise Biden for assembling an international coalition to push back on Russia’s illegal invasion while rejecting imprudent policies, like a no-fly zone, which could lead to escalation and even a direct U.S.-Russia war. They call on Biden to continue this course, while embracing the possibility of a diplomatic agreement that preserves meaningful Ukrainian sovereignty and continued openness to the West. 

Signers of the letter include: the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, American Friends Service Committee, Church of the Brethren Office of Peacebuilding, Demand Progress Education Fund, Indivisible, Just Foreign Policy, MoveOn, Physicians for Social Responsibility, Progressive Democrats of America, RootsAction, United Church of Christ Justice and Local Church Ministries, Veterans for Peace, and Win Without War. 

“Even as we rally the world to oppose Russia’s outrageous and illegal invasion of Ukraine, and provide needed assistance to help the Ukrainian people,” the letter reads, “It is not too early to lay the groundwork for U.S. contributions to a negotiated peace.”

The letter outlines a number of steps the administration can take now to support efforts to negotiate peace, including the continuing avoidance of escalatory measures, signaling willingness to ease some sanctions as part of a peace deal, showing openness to direct talks and new security arrangements, and committing financial support to the postwar reconstruction of Ukraine. The letter also urges the Administration to avoid endorsing regime change in Russia as a war goal, which would discourage compromise and contribute to a protracted conflict.

“Today, it does not appear that a peace deal fully acceptable to the Ukrainian government is yet on the table,” the groups write. “But already, the devastating human, military, and economic costs of war are pushing the Russian government to become more realistic in their negotiating demands. Compromise is difficult given Russia’s actions, but compromise is necessary to diplomacy and will save lives.” 

Read the full text of the letter here.