Stephen Costello

Stephen Costello is a non-resident fellow at the Quincy Institute and a non-resident scholar at the Institute for Korean Studies at George Washington University.

David Kang

David C. Kang is a non-resident fellow at the Quincy Institute and Maria Crutcher Professor of International Relations at the University of Southern California, with appointments in the Department of Political Science and International Relations, East Asian Languages and Cultures…

Steven Kosiak

Steven Kosiak is a non-resident fellow at the Quincy Institute and a partner at ISM Strategies in Washington, D.C. He is also a senior adjunct faculty member at American University’s School of International Service (SIS) and an adjunct senior fellow…

Ryan Martinez Mitchell

Ryan Martínez Mitchell is a non-resident fellow at the Quincy Institute and an Associate Professor of Law at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research on international and comparative law, diplomatic and legal history, foreign relations law, as well…

Mike Mochizuki

Mike Mochizuki is a non-resident fellow at the Quincy Institute and holds the Japan-U.S. Relations Chair in Memory of Gaston Sigur at the Elliott School of International Affairs in George Washington University. He directs the Elliott School’s undergraduate degree programs…

Nathan Park

S. Nathan Park is a non-resident fellow at the Quincy Institute and an attorney based in Washington, D.C. Mr. Park’s practice is focused on international litigation, arbitration, and regulatory actions including matters involving trade and export control.

James Park

James Park is a research associate at the Quincy Institute’s East Asia Program. His research interests include South Korean foreign policy and domestic politics, Chinese security issues, and U.S. policy vis-à-vis East Asia.

Robert Ross

Robert S. Ross is a non-resident fellow at the Quincy Institute, Professor of Political Science at Boston College, and Associate at the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies at Harvard University.

Denis Simon

Denis Simon is a non-resident fellow at the Quincy Institute and Senior Lecturer in the Asian Pacific Studies Institute at Duke University. He is a recognized expert on international science and technology affairs.  He has more than four decades of…

Jae-Jung Suh

Jae-Jung Suh is a non-resident fellow at the Quincy Institute and professor at International Christian University, Japan. He has served as a Fellow at Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Associate Professor and Director of Korea Studies at SAIS, Johns…

Michael D. Swaine

Michael D. Swaine is a senior research fellow in the East Asia program at the Quincy Institute and is one of the most prominent American scholars of Chinese security studies. He comes to QI from Carnegie Endowment for International Peace,…

Jake Werner

Jake Werner is acting director of the East Asia Program at the Quincy Institute. His research focuses on US–China economic relations and the global economy. He received his doctorate in history from the University of Chicago.
